Designing Gender-Responsive Financial Literacy Programmes | Empowering Migrants and Remittance Recipients

12 October 2023

As part of UNCDF’s Gender Colab series, this webinar on “Designing Gender-Responsive Financial Literacy Programmes” will explore the available financial literacy initiatives, implementation strategies, and key learnings and best practices for the financial inclusion and resilience of migrants and their families. The webinar features distinguished panelists who will share insights from their practical experience in running and utilizing financial literacy initiatives and toolkits.

Server Date time: 2024-05-11 14:31:14
Event Start Date/Time: 2023-10-12 00:00:00
Event End Date/Time: 2023-10-12 01:15:00
Event Status: past_event
Calendar Start Date: 2023-10-12
Calendar Start Time: 00:00
Calendar End Date: 2023-10-12
Calendar End Time: 01:15

International remittances are an essential source of income for millions of people worldwide. Digital remittance channels not only expand access to financial services such as savings, credit, insurance, and pensions but also offer vital financial resilience for migrants and their families. Without adequate knowledge and skills to navigate digital finance platforms and understand the associated risks, migrants and their families may get left behind.

Financial literacy plays a crucial role in advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by fostering financial inclusion and empowerment among individuals and communities worldwide. With the increasing adoption of digital financial services, understanding how to navigate these platforms becomes essential for leveraging their full potential. Financially literate individuals are better equipped to access, manage, and utilize digital financial tools, promoting responsible financial behaviour and informed decision-making. By enhancing financial literacy, particularly in the digital context, we can facilitate access to affordable and secure financial services, promote entrepreneurship, reduce poverty, and achieve broader SDGs related to economic growth, gender equality, education, and reduced inequalities. Empowering individuals with the necessary skills to leverage digital financial resources not only contributes to their own economic well-being but also fosters sustainable development and economic progress at a global scale.

As part of UNCDF’s Gender Colab series, this webinar will explore the available financial literacy initiatives, implementation strategies, key learnings, and best practices for migrants and their families’ financial inclusion and resilience. The webinar features distinguished panelists who will share insights from their practical experience in running financial literacy initiatives and utilizing financial literacy toolkits for migrants and their families.

We will be hosting the webinar on 12 October 2023, 12:00 to 13:15 GMT.

How to join?

Please use the above registration link to register. After you register, you will receive an email confirmation and will be able to add the event to your calendars.


– Bethany Boyer-Rechlin, Labour Mobility and Human Development Specialist (Consultant), IOM Vanuatu

– Leon Isaacs, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, DMA Global

– Thomas Montcourrier, Policy Analyst, Directorate for Financial and Enterprise Affairs, OECD

– Uloma Ogba, Lead Gender Specialist, Migration and Remittances, UNCDF


– Julie Kamau, Gender and Research Analyst, Migration and Remittances, UNCDF


– Introduction and opening remarks (5 minutes)

– Presentation from panelists (10 minutes x 4)

– Q&A (25 minutes)

– Closing remarks (5 minutes)

Duration: 75 minutes