Inclusive Innovation Pilots to Strengthen Migrant Financial Resilience

19 July 2022

Part of our Migrant Money Webinar series, the webinar shared an overview of a forthcoming RFA to enable value-chain players to access our financial and technical support to aid the development of innovative and scalable migrant-centric financial resilience solutions. The focus countries being, UAE and Malaysia on the sending side; Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka on the receiving side.

Server Date time: 2025-01-22 17:05:24
Event Start Date/Time: 2022-07-19 00:00:00
Event End Date/Time: 2022-07-21 00:00:00
Event Status: past_event
Calendar Start Date: 2022-07-19
Calendar Start Time: 00:00
Calendar End Date: 2022-07-21
Calendar End Time: 00:00

The United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF) aims to contribute towards the financial resilience of migrants and their families by facilitating the design and development of migrant-centric, gender-responsive digital wage, insurance, and pension products that are scalable and commercially viable. As part of the initiative, UNCDF seeks to create a foundation for an inclusive and innovation-driven migrant financial resilience ecosystem, by partnering with value-chain stakeholders that share our commitment to improved financial resilience of migrants and their families. 

To be selected through a transparent process, these partners will be provided technical and financial support for piloting quick-win projects that can adequately demonstrate and catalyze accelerated adoption of inclusive insurance, pensions, wage digitization products and services. It is envisaged these projects will not only unlock opportunities that generate visible results on the ground, but also create learning externalities to facilitate replication and future up-scaling of innovative approaches for migrants.   

The scope of the intended partnerships will extend to sending countries: UAE and Malaysia; receiving countries: Bangladesh, Indonesia, Nepal, and Sri Lanka. 

During the webinar, UNCDF will share an overview of its work and future plans on the financial resilience of women and men on the move. Furthermore, the webinars will not only share how UNCDF’s support can be accessed by market players for undertaking innovation pilots in the focus countries, but also solicit feedback for ensuring the support is accurately focused on the key challenges confronting the migrant financial resilience value chain.

We will be hosting the webinar on the following dates to accommodate different time zones. Depending on your convenience, you may register for any of the two: 

Session 1: Tuesday, 19 July, 9:30 – 10.30 Gulf Central Time (Dubai time) 
(13:30 Kuala Lumpur, 12:30 Jakarta, 11:30 Dhaka, 11:15 Kathmandu, 11:00 Colombo).

Session 2: Thursday, 21 July, 12:00 – 13:00 Gulf Central Time (Dubai time) 
(16:00 Kuala Lumpur, 15:00 Jakarta, 14:00 Dhaka, 13:45 Kathmandu, 13:30 Colombo) 


  • Introduction to the session and the speakers
    Faezal Yunus (10 minutes)
  • Introduction to United Nations Capital Development Fund (UNCDF)
    Premasis Mukherjee (10 minutes)
  • UNCDF’s intervention on migrant financial resilience
    Premasis Mukherjee (15 minutes)
  • UNCDF’s Migration and Remittances technical assistance
    Ali Akram (15 minutes)
  • UNCDF’s support for innovation pilots focused on migrant financial resilience
    Ali Akram (10 minutes)


Premasis Mukherjee

Senior Financial Sector Specialist | Migration and Remittances, UNCDF

Premasis Mukherjee has close to 15 years of extensive experience in the financial services sector across Asia and Africa. He specializes in designing business models, and products and services that include innovative solutions across Digital Finance, including migrant remittances and remittance-linked financial services. An expert in business innovation and human-centric design, Premasis leads initiatives on migrant financial resilience at UNCDF.

Ali Akram

Senior Financial Sector Specialist | Migration and Remittances, UNCDF

Ali Akram is a digital finance expert with more than 20 years of experience in building inclusive economies and solving developmental challenges using innovative digital approaches. He has successfully led ground-breaking projects that leverage technology-driven solutions and channels for enhancing financial inclusion and resilience of migrants, refugees and other vulnerable segments. His work spans some of the most challenging humanitarian emergency and developmental contexts across Asia, the Pacific, and East and West Africa.