Insurance and Pension for Migrant Workers: Need and the Business Case

26 October 2022
Kingston, Jamaica

The UNCDF plenary session was hosted at the International Conference on Inclusive Insurance 2022 (#ICII2022) from 24-28 October 2022, where close to 250 experts from 50+ countries discussed and identified ways of accelerating growth and economic viability in inclusive insurance for emerging markets. The conference was hosted by the Munich Re Foundation, the Microinsurance Network and the Insurance Association of Jamaica.

Server Date time: 2025-02-23 12:10:19
Event Start Date/Time: 2022-10-26 00:00:00
Event End Date/Time: 2022-10-26 00:00:00
Event Status: past_event
Calendar Start Date: 2022-10-26
Calendar Start Time: 00:00
Calendar End Date: 2022-10-26
Calendar End Time: 00:00

Jamaica is set to become the first country in CARICOM to have microinsurance legislation with a bill to be tabled in 2023. This was announced by Jamaica’s Finance and Public Service Minister, Dr. the Hon. Nigel Clarke, at the International Conference on Inclusive Insurance (ICII), which took place between 24–28 October at the Jamaica Pegasus Hotel in Kingston.

According to Clarke: “This country has prioritised economic resilience. We take risk mitigation and insurance seriously. Access to finance is a critical pillar of sustained economic growth. We will table the microinsurance legislation in 2023. If we can’t have insurance available for the Jamaican citizen, there’s a cost that society bears – either directly or indirectly. We have a vested interest in making insurance more widely accessible and available in Jamaica. We will be the first country in CARICOM to have microinsurance legislation.”