Strengthening Financial Resilience for Migrants: Insights from Bangladesh, Nepal, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE)

18 October 2023

Drawing insights from three country assessments (Bangladesh, Nepal, and the UAE), this webinar will discuss the trends, challenges, opportunities, and scope for different institutions in the migrant insurance and pension ecosystem at three inter-connected levels—at the ecosystem, institution, and product levels for migrant insurance and pension products.

Server Date time: 2025-02-23 05:35:26
Event Start Date/Time: 2023-10-18 12:00:00
Event End Date/Time: 2023-10-18 13:30:00
Event Status: past_event
Calendar Start Date: 2023-10-18
Calendar Start Time: 12:00
Calendar End Date: 2023-10-18
Calendar End Time: 13:30

Financial resilience for nearly 300 million migrants and their families is becoming a development priority due to increasing global migration trends, food security issues, and climate-related shocks. Although social security for migrants (including digital wages, insurance, and pensions) is enshrined in several international recommendations and conventions and is essential to achieve at least five of the 17 SDGs, less than 3 percent of the migrants from low-income countries have access to portable social security. Post-COVID-19, there is a greater need for scalable financial services that contribute to the financial resilience of migrants and their families, including women migrants, who comprise almost half of the migrants globally.   

Through the UNCDF Migration and Remittances programme, UNCDF has been actively contributing towards the financial resilience of ~300 million migrants and their families by facilitating the design and development of migrant-centric, gender-responsive, scalable, and commercially viable digital wages, insurance, and pension products and services. The efforts are highlighted in a recently published report, Scaling Financial Resilience for Migrants: Insights and Learnings from UNCDF’s Engagement with the Private Sector – A Year in Review. Further, UNCDF has undertaken country assessments in Bangladesh, Indonesia, Malaysia, Nepal, Sri Lanka, and the UAE, assessing their readiness for an innovative migrant financial resilience market system. The studies provide an overview of the regulatory and policy ecosystem, mapping institutions and migrant-focused products that are currently available.   

Drawing insights from three country assessments (Bangladesh, Nepal, and the UAE), this webinar will discuss the trends, challenges, opportunities, and scope for different institutions in the migrant insurance and pension ecosystem at three inter-connected levels:  

– The ecosystem of insurance and pension for migrants comprising regulators, policymakers, investment communities, and industry bodies, 

– The institutions involved in the design and delivery of migrant insurance and pension, viz. Insurers, their potential and existing network and value chain partners, and 

– The products, both existing and forthcoming, that may contribute towards migrant insurance and pension products. 

We will be hosting the webinar on 18 October 2023, 12:00 – 13:30 GMT.

How to join?

Please use the above registration link to register. After you register, you will receive an email confirmation and will be able to add the event to your calendars.


– Welcome note (10 minutes)

– Country studies (25 minutes)

– Q&A session 1 (10 minutes)

– Panel discussion (30 minutes)

– Q&A session 2 (10 minutes)

– Conclusion (5 minutes)

Duration: 90 minutes