UNCDF Migrant Money and Harvard Kennedy School In-person Workshop: Migrant Remittances and Financial Services

09 August 2022

The in-person workshop at HKS's Evidence for Policy Design (EPoD), in collaboration with UNCDF, brought together players from the public and private sectors to tackle the key challenges faced by migrants in their use of remittances—which serves as an entry point to broader digital financial inclusion of migrants and their families, as well as affects the remittance recipient countries’ foreign exchange reserves and sovereign credit ratings. A follow-up to the online module on Smart Policy Design and Implementation (SPDI), which was attended by 67 participants, this in-person workshop saw 14 participants from central banks, migration-oriented ministries, remittance service providers, and multilateral institutions convene in Cambridge to revisit the SPDI approach and complete its final steps, creating space for migrant-centric, gender-sensitive dialogue about remittances.

Server Date time: 2025-01-22 16:51:33
Event Start Date/Time: 2022-08-09 00:00:00
Event End Date/Time: 2022-08-11 00:00:00
Event Status: past_event
Calendar Start Date: 2022-08-09
Calendar Start Time: 00:00
Calendar End Date: 2022-08-11
Calendar End Time: 00:00