Our Regional Partners in Strengthening Access to Affordable Remittances

UNCDF Migrant Money works with a range of public and private sector partners, in different geographies and from different segments of the financial and technology sectors, on ambitious projects to address the challenges faced by migrants and their families in accessing affordable remittances and financial services.
These are regulators, regional economic communities, financial service providers, consulting firms, academia, and research and advocacy partners, who are working on solutions that include:
- Improving laws and regulations to enable risk-based remittance policies and regional cooperation to further market competition and innovation while guarding against risks to financial stability.
- Designing and implementing digital remittance and financial services that match the actual needs and preferences of women and men migrants in the local economy.
- Collecting, analyzing and disseminating reliable and comparable data and research to strengthen the global evidence base and solutions that address limited access to affordable remittances and financial services for migrants.

Explore Our Partnerships
We are continually growing our partnerships to expand and improve remittances and related services for migrant households—and update this section frequently as new projects are launched. If you are interested in partnering with our team, contact migrantmoney@uncdf.org